The silk-screen transfer is a printing with silk screen ink (Pantone) on a paper or polyester medium. The transfer is then hot pressed with a professional machine.
The monocolor silk-screen transfer allows the printing of visual of one color only, on paper.
The silk-screen transfer allows, in a single command, to mark several different fabrics. This technique does not require a color edging and respects the logo designs (where possible, due to the thinness). It offers an excellent result and a small thickness.
With silk-screen transfer, it is difficult to produce color gradients (except by halftoning): this technique is rather used for solid colors and vector pictures. Some thinness are also difficult to obtain because of the screen printing process: texts or lines below 0.5 Pt (0.2 mm) will not be readable.
The ready-to-use numbers are ideal for sports jerseys. Manufactured in silk-screen transfer, numbers are available per set of numbers (from 1 to 15), or in pack of 10 identical numbers. Available in 6 colors, 4 fonts and 2 sizes.
Choose from the shades of the color chart
To use the color chart: choose your color.
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